Friday, April 15, 2011


So, Congress plans to provide each Medicare recipient with a voucher.  I wonder how many and how much?  What if the doctor charges $120.00 for general exam.  The Social Security plans to pay only $50.00 and you are responsible for $30.00 co-payment.  Who pays the difference?  

Doctor                $120.00
less voucher           50.00
less co-payment    30.00
that leaves              50.00

Who will take-a-hit?  The doctor (may be), the Medicare (no), or Medicare recipient (yes).  How many vouchers will you receive for a year?  6 or 12?.

Congress will simply transfer the debt from Social Security to you.  The debt will not show-up on its books.

What if the voucher is exchange outside the United States?  I listened to Radio Sweden, and they complain about Swedes catching the Baltic Sea ferry and going to Estonia because the doctor were cheap and provide a similar care with less charges.

With NATO governments making us transfer to computers, we could connect the same Estonia doctor and receive the same treatment than local doctors and at half the price.  We would choose the doctor, email our request for the exam, and have their doctor suggest a local Physician Assistant who will run the tests and x-ray at half price.  The doctor will study your tests and diagnose, and determine your condition.  You will send him or her your voucher.  Its up to the government if they will pay or not.

What about your local doctors?  How will Congress support them?  The only time you will need them is when you need an operation.